With many years experience of outdoor advertising investment in Central and Central Highlands, Asia Outdoor has been in partnership with many big corporations like Vietnam Brewery, Sabeco, Hoa Sen group, Ton Dong A corporation, Honda, Yamaha, PNJ, OPPO, VIVO, SAMSUNG… in recent ten years ;
Revalue brand to match the WTO development and integration period (2017-2022), Asia Outdoor once again asserts:
Enterprise’s core value is the developing trend base on the following criteria without any exception:
The violent competition in market these days requires every enterprise to equip themselves with view – orientation – stratergy – policy – development, be ready to meet the market requirements in hot period 2017-2022 – this is also the period of election in big countries. They are making themselves great nations like America, China, Japan, and EU; building legal corridor to make sure of equal and professional competition for international market integration. Vietnam is step by step getting into the world integration, so Asia Outdoor can not be out of that general trend;
Getting the above market requirements, Asia Outdoor has created strategy, seize the opportunities, supplied customers with the most rival products and services;
Asia Outdoor has constructed a more than 4000m2 plant, developed high qualified personnel, taken the initiative in importing materials as well as new technology so that we can carry out from the period of applying certificates to the period of finishing.
With dominated qualification, Asia Outdoor has been working on projects of street decoration with Led and outdoor advertisement in big provinces; these projects have been encouraged by government and local people. This facilitates Asia Outdoor to make a plan of constructing advertisement at exclusive accommodation land in city centers.
Asia Outdoor is toward the policy: Enterprises create professional enviroment where they can compete equally, can work together, can have bilateral coöperation to reach the target of both.
Asia Outdoor is faithful in partnership, prevents negatives which impacts customer personnel as well as ours.
Asia Outdoor bring qualified products with rival prices and good services, that meet the process of brand developing and help customers develop their visual identity advantageously. Consequently, all the products of Asia Outdoor are positively taking attention from customers.
provinces with coverage
Closed manufacturing and constructing process is quick, easy, and effective; consequently, we are initiative to have architectural design and technical design, to select materials, to import materials, to manufacture, to construct and finish. This leads to customers’ pleasure.
Now we are applying this process to our company activities effectively base on the combination of the three private companies: Asia Outdoor and Media Co., Ltd with its role of service_ the investor of projects; Thanh Dat Mechanic and Construction Join-stock company, Ltd with its role of architectural – technical design consulting; Van Cong Service Advertising Co ., Ltd with its role of manufacturing and constructing. Thanks to the three specific fields, we are initiative to run the company with taste, quickness, safety and effectiveness.
We make sure of our quickness and effectiveness and readily satify the requirements of customers anytime.
Closed manufacturing and constructing process is quick, easy, and effective; consequently, we are initiative to have architectural design and technical design, to select materials, to import materials, to manufacture, to construct and finish. This leads to customers’ pleasure.
Now we are applying this process to our company activities effectively base on the combination of the three private companies: Asia Outdoor and Media ., Ltd with its role of service is the investor of projects; Thanh Dat Mechanic and Construction., Ltd with its role of architectural – technical design consulting; Van Cong Art Advertisement ., Ltd with its role of manufacturing and constructing. Thanks to the three specific fields, we are initiative to run the company to make sure of taste, quickness, safety and effectiveness.
We commit that we make sure of our quickness and effectiveness and readily meet the requirements of customers anytime.
Asia Outdoor quickly invests diversified products in potential cities in period of 2017-2022. Our products in 40 provinces are total 200 panels with bearing blocks base on the effective criteria: products are qualified, exclusive, luxurious, and meet the media value. We improve our products value by using Led products on city center streets, creating series of brand visual identity for customers, rasing brand value and level in the integration period 2017-2022.

Asia Outdoor logo and medal CSR from Ecovadis
CSR is the certificate from EcoVadis – an American corporation. EcoVadis has developed a top leader staff, advanced technology, and an original method of evaluating CSR including 150 groups of products, 110 nations, and 21 index CSR. Over 30 000 companies have used CSR to reduce hazard, enforce innovation, and improve obviousness as well as belief among partners.
Asia Outdoor and Media ., Ltd has recently been invited to attend CSR evaluating program by Heineken Vietnam and reached the result of 37/100. This grade was pretty higher than other suppliers and it helps us receive good evaluation from Heineken and get the bronze medal from EcoVadis CSR evaluating organization.
This was an evidence as to Asia Outdoor’s view and ability. We always make a great effort to assert our service quality as well as to build up our international standard brand. These bring customers and partners the best products and services.

pham van thanh
With a desire of contributing to his hometown, Mr Pham Van Thanh – Chairman cum CEO together with other leaders have established Asia Outdoor and Media ., Ltd, Thanh Dat Mechanic and Construction., Ltd, and Van Cong Art Advertisement ., Ltd with strong step of development and ability of expanding. We belong to the top advertising and media market in Central and Central Highlands, South Central, West South. We invest in manufacturing and constructing outdoor advertisement with new and luxurious design, that meet the customers requirements of visual identity and match home and abroad developing orientation like Singapore, America, China, Thailand…

nguyen phan thoi the
vice chairman
Starting from civil and industrial construction career, Mr Nguyen Phan Thoi The with his leading skill has made a small advertisement workshop become a big company with a huge executionforce meeting construction standard of complicated structure or high taste.
Mr The assumes that the most accurate direction is bringing new things from brand of world advertisement to apply to domestic market.

huynh thi linh linh
office Manager
After nearly 6 years working at Asia Media, it was not a short time but it still happened not long ago.
Remember in November 2014, after going through the interview and being selected to work at Asia Media.The guidance and thorough guidance of Boss Thanh, along with trying to learn from you, helped me to develop my current job.
With the trust of the Board of Directors of the company and the collective, I – Huynh Thi Linh Linh is currently holding the position of Head of Profile – With the nature of the work handling issues related to premises, electricity,permission, production, business records …

nguyen thi ngoc giau
Customer Service Manager
Graduating in advertising and public relations in 2015. Immediately after that, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Giau started working at Asia Investment Group Co., Ltd.
After nearly 5 years of trying and studying, Ms. Giau has built a sales development plan and a customer development plan in accordance with the Company’s general orientation.
Currently a member of the Asiamedia common house, Ms. Giau has been trying to contribute to the development of the Company.

le duc phi
Technical manager
Graduated from University, with more than 10 years of experience with Van Cong Advertising Art Co., Ltd.
Currently, Mr. Le Duc Phi is in charge of Engineering of Thanh Dat Construction and Mechanical Joint Stock Company – cum Manufacturing Engineering of Van Cong Advertising Art Co., Ltd.
Mr. Phi always makes plans, technical plans, lists and items provided to the relevant departments.Manage, inspect and instruct units to produce products according to standards.

pham cao truong thien
Production manager
Graduated from University of Foreign Languages with a major in Pedagogy.Mr. Pham Cao Truong Thien has 15 years of experience working with the company.
He is currently in charge of Advertising Construction – cum Manager of Van Cong Advertising Art Co., Ltd.
The person who plans and implements production, ensuring products meet the requirements that customers give.